Lewis Temple employee profile

Lewis Temple

Lewis has worked in leadership roles in International Development organisations for over twenty-five years across Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.

Early in his career, Lewis worked with governments in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to reform their child and family support services to support a transition from institutional care to family and community-based support services. This included three years working as a Country Director in Kyrgyzstan for the NGO EveryChild.

Lewis later worked as a Country Director for GOAL in Ethiopia, overseeing large-scale humanitarian and development programmes and as a Regional Representative for HelpAge International, leading work to promote older people’s rights across Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

For the last fifteen years, Lewis has led the European affiliates of global development organisations, first as the CEO of iDE UK, a non-profit working to transform the incomes and livelihoods of smallholder farmers by building the market for products and services that help them move from subsistence agriculture to farming as a business.

Prior to joining The Impact Facility in April 2024, Lewis served as the CEO of BRAC UK for nine years—the European arm of the pioneering Bangladeshi global development organisation. BRAC has reached a remarkable global scale with its holistic approach to challenging poverty and inequality. It delivers impact through businesses, social enterprises, and social development programmes, serving over 100 million people a year.

Lewis serves on the board as a trustee of Kidney Care UK, the UK’s leading Kidney Patient Care and support charity.

“I am honoured to join The Impact Facility and to work alongside its dedicated and expert team and partners. Together, we will build upon the organisation’s strong foundation and impressive recent growth to drive meaningful change and create sustainable, thriving artisanal mining communities worldwide.”